Here’s What You Definitely Need To Discuss In Your Interview

These two points are crucial to discuss for your growth in the company


It’s natural to feel jumpy, nervous and anxious for your job interview, especially if you are a fresher or looking for a job in a very early stage in your career.

One of the most important things that you need to remember is that, your interview will not last for a very long time, which means that it is very important for you to get across the right points in a short amount of time, without wasting any precious time.

While you try to put in as much information as you can in the limited amount of time that you will get in the interview, it is also important that you add some key points of discussion to the overall conversation.

According to Vitus Gonsalves, GM, Character Sketches, there are two points that you should definitely make sure to bring up during your job interview.

1. Make Your Career Path And Ambitions Clear

While you are giving an interview, it is important that you give your future employer an idea of what you are looking for and what you have in mind as a future growth opportunity. This may not always be in alignment with what the company can offer you or can do for you. It is also possible that your employer may even end up telling you that in such a situation it is best you try some other profile or brand and that you may not be able to meet your ambition plans here. Even if that happens, it is good that you decline the offer here and instead apply for a place where you can further your career in the way you want to move ahead.

Says Vitus, “You should definitely make it a point to try and ascertain the career path during the first round of interview itself. This will help you understand your future with the company in a better way instead of going ahead with an idea that may not really work out for you in reality.”

Your interviewer won’t have a lot of time, so make it quick and add in the important points

Image Credit: Movie – The Devil Wears Prada

2. Always Talk About The Company’s Growth Plan

While you want to talk about your own future and growth, remember that it can only happen if the company where you work also continues to grow. You can find out more about this only if you discuss it properly with your interviewer. Vitus adds that “You should find out the growth plan of the organization and this is possible only if you have prepared for the interview and have gone through the company history as well as the job profile.”

Talk about what the company plans to do in the future, what all it is currently working on and also make sure to read up more about their growth in the past three to four years.

Put across your points in a clear manner and make sure to clarify all your queries with the interviewer, as this will save time for both of you.

Read Also: 7 Things Not To Do During An Interview