Is It Okay To Lie To Your Boss?

Sometimes there is no other option. But is it still justified?

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Professional life isn’t all black and white. The culture has it that most of it dwells in the grey area. And there is no right and wrong in the grey area. You just do what you have to do. Sometimes you have to brutally honest and sometimes you have to spill out a soft lie. That’s how people survive and co-exist in the work environment. And yet, it is always a persistent dilemma if it is okay to lie to your boss. Your boss expects 100% honesty from you. Your boss pays you for it. So, when the time comes. When you are presented with a situation where you got to lie, should you?

You Don’t Want To Upset Your Boss

An upset boss can be really upsetting for your career!

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Sometimes lying is not explicitly lying but it is not telling the truth or just ignoring it. All you have to do is pretend you have no idea about it. How can you lie about something you don’t know anything about? This works especially for gossips, unwanted news, chatters that could upset your boss. Do not be a chatter box and spill it all out to your boss. Learn the art of ignorance. You cannot, not listen to what people around you have to say. But what you can do is not tell it to your boss. Why be the reason behind your boss’ bad mood. Just refrain from indulging. In fact, if your boss explicitly asks your opinion on something and you know your opinion might upset them. Just don’t participate. Make excuses and run!

Save Your Reputation

Sometimes, you will have to use white lies to save yourself. Say your boss asks you about a situation that involves one of your colleagues at the office. Giving information or even your opinion about it to your boss might put your reputation in jeopardy. Nobody likes a snitch! The information you have about your co-workers is to be kept with you. Somebody is thinking of leaving the office? Shut up and keep that secret! Even if your boss particularly asks about the case, you can always smash the ball in someone else’s court. Self-preservation is the key!

At The End Of The Day, It Is Business

Find a position of strength during negotiation and lie for it if that’s what it takes. It’s called bluffing!

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The bottom-line is that even as an employee, you are conducting business there. You primary goal is money and job satisfaction. And when it comes down to business, there’s no need for charity. Do not donate all the truth you know to people who could use that information. Instead keep it to yourself and use it for your own good. If there is a better job opportunity out there, go hunting! But do not discuss your plans with anyone. If there’s a negotiation going on, look for your own profits. You might have to say a lie or two in order to win the negotiation but do not pull yourself back. You got to do what you got to do, right?

Just so that you know, lying is never a good thing! If you can do just alright without it, nothing is better!