Is Your Job Just A Stepping Stone In Your Career? Here Is What You Should Know

What you can do till you land your dream job?

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Not all the work we do can be classified as a dream job. There are often gigs we do because they are not the destination, but a stepping stone to where we actually want to be. It is called as paying your dues, and most of the people have to go through this winding path before they end up in their dream position.

It is often said by career counsellors that you should love your job. If you are spending the majority of your daily hours and life at work, it should be something to keep you happy and satisfies. But despite the emphasis on this, it is sometimes ok to have a job that is just a stepping stone. There is a whole range of experiences between a nightmare job and your ultimate position.

It Is Fine If You Are In It For The Perks

If you are aware of your work situation and have an eye on the ultimate goal, it is fine to do a job for some time because of the perks. Whether it is the CTC, insurance, the flexibility of hours, work culture or some other perk, it is fine to do this job. As long as you know that it is only a stepping stone, and you will eventually move on when the right time comes. Life is too short to be miserable all the time.

You Should Know When To Move On

Whatever may drive you to a particular job, it is important to know when to leave. Sometimes, people get too comfortable with their present jobs, and this may be a trap holding you from the dream job. You should be aware of which job is just a stepping stone, and when would be a good time to move on.

You should learn all that you can and build the right networks, that will help you with your dream job

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Make The Most Of Your Time At Work

Even if you are doing the gig on a temporary basis, it is important to do it well. The networks you build here will facilitate your journey towards the goal. Manthan Sutaria, Account Manager at SRV Media, says, “Such a job is a good opportunity to build your skills and explore your options. Take it as a chance to learn the things that will help you to get to your dream job.”

These approaches will help you make the most of your stint at a job that is just a stepping stone.