Lessons from Five People Who Quit Their Jobs To Follow Their Passion

Some signs to help you know that you are not meant for a 9 to 5 job.


While many love their jobs, there are some of us who feel that we are not meant for a 9 to 5 job. The conventional formula of good grades in school and college, and then a job with a reputed company does not lead to job satisfaction or fulfillment. For some, career success means something different.

Five people share their stories of why they quit their 9 to 5 job. They recognised the need to find their life’s purpose and followed their passions.

Reshma Krishnamurthy worked in Public Relations agency for seven years, before entering making a career as a Radio Jockey. But later, she realised her true passion lay in writing and story-telling. That is when she founded Mums and Stories, a platform that connect mothers who share their stories. She felt the need for creative satisfaction, and when her job did not fulfill this, she found her purpose through her own venture.

Reshma found her passion in telling stories through her own venture

Image Credit: WordPress

Sukriti Roy completed her course in Journalism before working as a Research Journalist for BBC. When she was handling a project named ‘Ganges with Sue Perkins’, she travelled extensively through Bihar, Banaras, and Kanpur. Being from Bihar, she had always heard negative things about her state. She says, “I always wanted to do something for my state. And travelling for the project made me realise that even Bihar has many beautiful places. That’s when I decided toquit my job, and work to promote travelling in Bihar.” Sukriti has started ‘Bihar Bytes’ to let people know that they can travel to Bihar for some amazing experiences.

Sukriti wanted to tell people that her own state Bihar is very beautiful

Image Credit: Cloudinary

Dhruti Mehta started Love Doodle, a startup that has pioneered the trend of experiential gifting. She says, “If you are in a job only for the money, then you should know that it won’t work out in the long run. When you feel that you are not happy about your work or even talking about your work, you feel you are pretending to someone else at work, then you should know that you are not meant for it.” Dhruti Mehta worked as a lawyer for ten years but found her passionanswered with her own enterprise.

Dhruti feels that if your passion for business is justified, you should take the risk

Image Credit: beboldpeople

Kamna Grover is a Zumba Instructor who quit her job as an engineer. She was bored with the monotony of the corporate life. Apart from promotions and positions, there was nothing driving her enthusiasm in her work. And she realised that a promotion would only mean more workload. She says, “I found it very self-restrictive to work so hard only to climb the corporate ladder. When my weekends became my escape from the drudge of routine life, I decided to quit. I wanted my Mondays to be as exciting as my Sundays.”

Kamna would find escape in the weekends from the daily drudge

Image Credit: Instagram

Renuka Walter, a travel blogger, has been leading ‘Voyager for Life’ for six years. She says, “I always knew I was not meant for a conventional job. I felt my creativity would be restricted in a desk job. Even though my income is unstable, travel blogging allows me to combine travelling with professional life. I love being a digital nomad and find that it gives purpose to my creativity.

Renuka knew that a desk would kill her creativity

Image Credit: witsandwings

These people are a lesson that if you feel your passion lies outside a 9 to 5 job, you should leave the desk and follow your dreams.