Networking Within Office And Pitfalls To Avoid

Importance of internal networking, and follies to avoid.


Internal networking involves connecting with colleagues in your own office. It may not boost your efficiency directly, and may involve efforts beyond your immediate job responsibilities. But it plays a key role in creating long-term value for your work in the organisation.

The biggest pitfall to avoid in internal networking is to be seen as “sucking up”. It requires a mind-set change to see internal networking as a win-win situation. Internal networking means creating connections that are beneficial to all those involved.

Here are some of the pitfalls to avoid in internal networking.

Not seeking help

It is completely fine to ask for help if it is going to help your present task or future career goal. You might learn along the way, and open a door for others to seek your help.

Connecting only when need arises

This can be a fatal folly in internal networking because once the other person realises your strategy, they will refuse any help in the future. It can turn a win-win into a lose-lose situation.

Online or meeting in person

One needs to use both forms for a healthy balance in internal networking. Whether it is the office picnic, coffee conversation or mails and pings, the important thing is to remain connected for healthy networking.


Everyone likes to be appreciated when they have helped someone. Acknowledging the help, and helping them in return is a must to view internal networking in the right perspective.

With the right mindset and these office hacks, you can use internal networking to your greatest advantage.

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