How To Persuade Your Boss For Time To Study Further

How to convince your boss for allowing time to upgrade your skills


Amidst the debate on learnability, it is necessary to stay updated with your skill set. Else you will be left behind in the skill market. While you ay enjoy your work as it is, often you may want time to take an advance course, another certification or an educational sojourn to work on self-development. This is imperative for personal and professional growth.

Taking an academic sabbatical may not always be the answer. You may just want some extra leave, or flexible timing to maintain a healthy balance between studies and work. While there are ways to study whilst on full-time employment, it may require special persuasion to convince your boss that studying further will help you as well as the organisation.

So, how does one persuade the boss for time to study further?

Identify your requirement

Before you approach the boss, you need a clear POA regarding what course you want to study, where is it offered and how much time off will you require for it. Do you want to build your emotional intelligence skills to be a more attuned business leader? Or do you want time to study a computer language as an added skill to your eligibility? Clarity in this communication will lend credibility to your intention and help to convince the boss that you know what you are speaking about. A vague suggestion is not taken seriously.

Outline your plan

Explain to your boss where you see yourself after completing the course. This will convey that this is not some random whim, but a well thought out venture. Ask yourself, “Who will I become as a result of this investment of my time and resources?” Be specific and descriptive.

Align personal and organisational goals

To get support from your boss to support your development, you have to connect what you’ll gain to the business goals. If your organisation is struggling to find leads and clients, a course in digital marketing will be more supported than your request for time to study finance or accounting.

Be prepare to compromise

You need to have a list on what you are going to negotiate about. You could not be asking for sequential leaves to travel as well as time off to attend classes. When preparing for the conversation, think about what each person involved in making the decision has to gain. Do your homework and read up on your HR policies. Know how educational reimbursement works in your company.

Spending the time to form a logical and fruitful request can be rewarding in itself because you’re getting clearer on what you need.

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