Should You Take A Job You Are Not Excited About

How to chose between a safe job and a dream job.


The question often arises of whether you should take up a job you are not excited about while you are waiting for the perfect dream job. The answer is often situational, as you might need the financial security or the experience.

Yes, you should take the job, if you are required to pay your dues before the big break comes along. Remember the story of Colonel Sanders and KFC. He went from job to job for a major part of his working life, before actualising his dream.

Colonel Sanders realised his true calling after doing many odd jobs.

Image Credit: theverge

Also, there is no shame in taking up a job if it pays well, as it might sort out other fronts in your life. You can look at it as a phase, after which you will move onto the dream job. Especially, if you want some security to pay off your student loan, or are collecting funds for a trip that you have been planning since long, such a ‘safe’ job might be a good answer for some time.

You could also take this job if there is some opportunity to move up the career ladder. If you join as an administrator, but there is scope of your progress to a manager, you could seriously think positively about the job.

No, you should not take the job you are not excited about, if it does not promise any of the above perks. If you are delaying important life goals by taking it up. For instance, you might take up a job which eats into your time for studying for an important exam like CA, MBA or UPSC, or any other competitive exam, you should not take up this unexciting job.

Not every job needs to be your dream job, but every new position should offer some advantage over your current role.

Read Also: How To Get A New Job If You Get Fired