How To Get A New Job If You Get Fired

How to approach a job interview after being fired.

How To Get A New Job If You Get Fired

It can be nerve wracking to get your confidence up and go for a job interview if you have been fired from your old job. How should your résumé reference the previous position, or should you even include it? What should you say in an interview?

You might fret that others will perceive your firing as a stain on your record. You worry that everyone will immediately assume it’s your problem. But eventually, you might come out a better person out of this struggle. Remember the interview that Sharman Joshi gave in the film ‘3 Idiots’? He acknowledged his weakness, his struggle to overcome it, and that impressed the interviewers.

By acknowledging your weakness you can be a better person in the long run.

Acknowledge what happened

Perhaps you didn’t fit in with the company’s culture, or you and your boss didn’t see eye to eye. Maybe you made errors in judgment.Whatever may be the case, it is better to take time to understand what happened, instead of jumping up at the next opportunity, without analysing the present situation. It may also be worthwhile to speak with members of your former employer’s HR department. Don’t badmouth or gossip about your previous boss or management in the interview as it shows you in a negative light.

Search for an appropriate opportunity

The insights gained from the last job experience can help you search for the right fit in the next job. Say, for instance, your dismissal was due to a personality clash with your manager or a mismatched cultural fit. Consider what that means about the kind of colleagues you’d like to work with and the environment you need to thrive.

Connect with people

Reaching out to your network for the right opportunity is also helpful. Before you begin actively applying for jobs, you need to make a list of people who can offer great references for you. Your credibility will be extremely important for HR.

Articulate your situation

Prepare for the kind of questions you expect in the interview. This will help you to better your explanation, and not be caught off- guard. Interviews will definitely require a bit more care and forethought than they did before. Practice low-risk answer that don’t deceive but also don’t reveal unnecessary information.

Remain positive

Eating well, exercising and remaining healthy is important in this perplexing situation. There is little gained by being stressed by the situation. It’s important to be positively engaged in something else when you’re looking for a job, like volunteering at an NGO or learning a new skill.

With these hacks, you can see yourself safely onto another happy and satisfying job.

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