This 34 Year Old Home Baker Turned Her Love For Baking Into A Source Of Income

When Vaijanta realized her cakes were so well loved, she decided to become an entrepreneur


It all started in a kitchen about eight years back. The day she thought of whipping up something and creating a surprise for her husband was the day that started her journey as a home baker, who now conducts classes and workshops and is known in her client circle for the amazingly delicious amount of cakes, chocolates, muffins, doughnuts and all things yummy that she makes.

Nothing makes the 34 year old Vaijanta as happy as when she is baking


34 year old Vaijanta Mistry didn’t want to get into the regular corporate cycle of wake up, rush to work, come back home, sleep and repeat. She wanted to do something that would let her channelize her creative side, let her use her time the way she wanted, and also make money out of it, all from the comfort of her home.

A batch of doughnuts made by Vaijanta

The first time I was trying to really bake was to surprise my husband by baking a fudge but it turned into chocolate. It was so delicious that he asked me to make it again and again. That was when I realized that even if I don’t really enjoy doing any other regular ‘work’ I can still be a baker. That was how I started my life in baking, and the first recipes were all of breads and cakes.

Practice will let you make something that is even better than what you can buy at a store

The thing about being a home baker is that you have to really practice and practice. Somehow, maybe because I have always enjoyed baking so much, even if the recipes did not turn out exactly as I wanted them to, they would still taste really nice and I never ended up spoiling anything. Each time my family or friends liked what I made, it would boost my confidence and encourage me to try newer things and practice more. I also use a lot of twists and experiments in recipes and try to come up with something new.

Helping first timers learn how to bake

As people started asking me to bake something for them, I realized that I at heart, I am actually a baker and that I can become an entrepreneur and turn my hobby into a source of income, something I can do from home, as per my own time and my own rules.

I’m a pure vegetarian but I create recipes that work well with egg substitutes and give my clients the same taste that they are looking for, probably even better.

I also hold workshops and classes, all in the comfort of my home, and I teach first time bakers as well as those who already know about baking but want to take it to an advanced level and get more creative.

To make more people aware of what I do, I have created my own pages on social media channels such as Instagram and Facebook where clients can place orders and sign up for my workshops. I never teach more than four to five people in a batch as I believe in giving personal attention to each.

The Most Important Tip If You Are Planning To Become A Home Baker

If you are doing it from home, says Vaijanta, make sure to be disciplined and follow a routine, and maintain a log where you know which client has placed what order and when it needs to be delivered. Also, don’t take on too many things at the same time, at least initially, as you may have to spend more time on one order if the recipe does not turn out perfect the first few times.

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