When Your Partner Is Also “The Partner”

How will you separate life from work when your life-partner is also your business partner?

When Your Partner Is Also "The Partner"
Image Credit: Pexels.com

This isn’t something unheard of. There definitely are power couples out there who are doing business together and they are doing just fine. Or at least that’s what it looks like from the outside. But, the idea of having your love life and work life being so directly entangled isn’t really fascinating. Is it? Let’s just say it’s complicated. But does it really have to be complicated?

If you and your romantic partner have plans of or are already doing business together, do not back out! Working together isn’t a bad idea at all. It can be difficult, sure! But if few basic things are taken care of, you might have a really good chance at it.

Knowing Each Other, Professionally

This process will also make you realize that one of you might have to work more than the other. Both of you should be able to accept that fact without any kind of resentment.

Image Credit: Pexels.com

Of course you know him/her as a person. Sure, you love each other. But the chances are that you are still unaware of how your partner is in the professional space. What are their weaknesses? What are their strengths? What projects they’d be better off handling? Who is better at dealing with clients? Who is better with the finances? And so on! There are SO MANY things. The process of knowing each other in a way that you acknowledge each other’s professional features, strengths, weaknesses etc is extremely important. This will help you in work division and avoiding silly arguments over it. It will also establish a special level of respect and understanding between the two of you.

Less Ego, Less Emo!

You have to shed your ego, at least in between each other. Do not hesitate from apologizing as and when you make a mistake. To err is fine but to not accept your mistakes is not fine at all. This is important for your personal relationship to stay unaffected. If you do not shed your ego, if you do not quickly apologize, you will pay for it in your personal space as well. Albeit even more so than in the professional one. Secondly, less emo too! Do not handle work emotionally. Be as rational as possible. Your emotional quotient is important, do not get me wrong. But when it comes to the two of you discussing something related to work, keep it rational and work-ish. Do not make anything personal. Do not keep grudges. Your office desk should not know of your feeling for each other otherwise. Oh the desk remind me of… try not to have sex at office please?

It Is A Good Thing!

Imagine this- The one person that you love and respect the most is going to be at your side, sharing every success and failure with you, standing by your side at that podium, now and always.

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

Do not see this arrangement, the two of you working together, as a challenge. I would strongly advice you against it. It is a good thing, what you are trying to achieve there. Do not reduce it to some sort of challenge or an experiment. Instead, be very grateful. Be very grateful that you are getting to work with the most important person in your life. You see, it might be wise to not work together as a couple. But tell you what, it is even wiser to work with someone you admire and respect so damn much.

All I will say in the end is, do not hesitate. It is a good thing! All the best 😉