Will You Be Getting Fired From Your Job? Here Are Signs To Help You Predict It

Are you worrying unnecessarily or should you start hunting for other jobs?

Image Credit: bbc

The work of world is so competitive that often a pink slip comes out of nowhere. Sometimes it is a surprise, but sometimes we know that the bosses are planning to fire you. However, sometimes, we may be worrying without any reason, getting paranoid every time there is a talk of letting people go.

So, how do you decide, whether you are the one on the line or are you safe? There are some signs that can tell you that you may no longer be needed, and should start searching for other opportunities.

In the film, ‘Tamasha’, Ranbir Kapoor’s boss had started badgering him for simple things like wearing a tie, before he completely lost it, and fired him in a hurry

Image Credit: Movie – Tamasha

Bhavana Mishra, Manager of Content Development at Pidilite Industries, says, “I guess the signs are visible months before. You are no longer invited to important meetings or discussions. Even your routine assignments are reallocated to your colleagues. You may be made to report to someone junior in the hierarchy.”

So, how do you guess whether the signs about your job security are serious?

When Your Boss Starts Putting Everything On The Mail

When your boss starts hyper-documenting all the communication to you, it might seem like they are building an HR case against you. While earlier a simple call or text message would be used for similar instruction, now all instructions are through mail. But you should be worried only if there is change in the channel of communication. If the boss has been micromanaging everything previously too, then this may not mean anything.

When You Start Getting Left Out Of Projects

One day you are the key point person on a project, and then suddenly you are redeployed or replaced with either little explanation. When an employer starts reassigning your work to others without giving you a clear, understandable rationale, this could very well be a sign that they are planning your termination. If this is not being done because they need you on another project, then this could be a worrying sign.

People Start Behaving Differently Around You

If there is some news of your being fired on the informal grapevine in the office, then colleagues may start acting differently with you. For instance, they may start planning a Friday dinner without explicitly asking for your choice, and start changing the subjects when you are around.

These are some of the signs that you should heed at work, if you are apprehensive about getting fired.

Read Also: How To Get A New Job If You Get Fired