How To Work With A Colleague Who Just Does Not Like You

How to handle a toxic work relationship.

How To Work With A Colleague Who Just Does Not Like You

It is said that you can choose your neighbours, but not your family. Something similar happen at work. You can choose your organisation, but not your co-workers. And it can be discerning if you realise that the person at the next desk, or someone in your team does not like you.

If someone actively takes efforts to show that they don’t like you, they take the stair if you plan to take the elevator, they back out of chai time if you join the gang, and they slide their chair away at meal time. Such behaviour can be nerve-wracking if you don’t know why they do so.

Here are some things you can do if you realise that a co-worker does not like you for no apparent reason.

Step Back

Your first reaction may be to start questioning yourself about the reasons for the dislike. “What have I done?” or “Did I say or do something offensive?”. But a more practical step would be to back off, and not obsess about that person. it’s important to realize that people’s feelings aren’t always logical. So, the reasoning behind this person’s distaste for you just might never make sense.

Take it in a stride

It is fine not to be liked by someone. You’ll need to find ways to collaborate together on work projects without heated arguments and tons of uncomfortable tension. The best bet would be to focus on your work, and handle the situation professionally.

The next course of action

You should consider whether the situation is damaging enough to plan a next course of action. If the toxic relationship is affecting your work, the best approach would be to talk about it openly. But if it is not, then it is better to avoid a confrontation.

When Monica was harassed as she joined as the head chef at a new restaurant, she let the situation be. Till it got out of hand, and she had to enlist Joey’s help to assert her authority.

Like Monica from ‘Friends’, you might have to decide the next course of action.

Be the better person

You can come out thee bigger person by taking a positive approach. There is not point in gossiping about the person and adding to the grapevine. So, take the high road and always treat this person with respect and integrity.

It’s human nature to want to be well-liked. But, we all know that an office where everybody gets along perfectly is a total fantasy. However, learning to work effectively with people—even when they aren’t your biggest fans—is crucial.

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