How To Talk Without Shouting So Your Partner Will Listen

How to talk less yet make your partner listen

How To Talk Without Shouting So Your Partner Will Listen

You love each other and there is not much to rock the boat yet, but words are somehow getting lost, especially the ones you speak, and your partner barely seems to listen to you.

Sounds familiar?

Whether you are generally a quiet person and speak less, or whether you’re talking through the day and are vocal with your needs, if your partner isn’t listening, you’re probably doing it wrong.

Here are some tips that could help, without you losing your head and your voice!

Stop, don’t nag

The constant chatter suddenly turns into a nagging situation, without even realizing it. And no, it’s not pleasant to your partner. When you keep saying something over and over again, or keep talking non-stop, your partner will most likely switch off after the initial few words. Say some, pause, and see if they heard you.

Be smart with your words

You may be angry and upset, but that is all the more reason to choose your words wisely. Your tone and the words you use can easily turn a discussion into an argument, and once that happens, you’ll barely be talking for that moment at least. Use your words carefully even when you want to make a point.

Get up and act

So just talking about it isn’t working? Your partner isn’t listening, or maybe isn’t doing anything about it is it? Well, it’s time to take the situation in hand. For instance, if you’re not connecting well on the physical level and you want some changes, don’t just talk about it.

Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk were caught in the middle of a pretty intense argument while they were at Wimbledon
Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk were caught in the middle of a pretty intense argument while they were at Wimbledon

Image Credit: cosmopolitanme

Listen even when you want to speak

Okay, so you said something, now your partner is speaking, but are you just listening to it and thinking what you will say next? Or are you actually understanding your partner’s point and are sympathetic towards that too? Try not to blame or admonish your partner, and don’t be critical or try to shame them.

Have a point to prove? State facts

Many of us end up saying what upset us or why we have a problem with a certain situation, without actually being able to give a real example. If you’ve felt upset about something, talk only about that and don’t deviate into bringing back unrelated topics from the past.

It’s important to speak up and share your feelings and especially your hurt, but remember, just as you need to be heard, your partner also needs that chance. So speak, but listen as well.

Read Also: Here Are A Few Sure Shot Ways To Get Your Partner To Listen To You!