Sex With A Stranger: Remember These Safety Tips

As exciting as it sounds, follow these tips to avoid a sexy night turn into a nightmare


There is something really exciting about hooking up with a stranger. With love and sex easily and literally available at the touch of your fingertips these days, the chances and opportunity of getting in bed with a stranger is even more possible.

But what sounds like a night of fun and adventure could also turn into a scary and nightmarish night, in case you end up leaving with the wrong type of person.

To make sure that your stranger is not danger, check the following safety boxes before you decide on their place or yours.

1. Drink The Smart Way

Whether you decided to meet the sexy stranger from the online world for the first time at the bar, or whether you fell for the hottie right there at the bar, make sure that you take care of what you are drinking and how much. It will always help to enjoy the conversation and the thereafter when you are in better control of your senses. And don’t leave your drink at the counter for a pee or smoke break. Always make sure the drink is right there in front of you, and if you have to leave it mid-way, chuck it.

2. Do Some Online Checks First

Checking the profile page carefully will let you know whether the person is faking it or is genuine
Checking the profile page carefully will let you know whether the person is faking it or is genuine

Image Credit: pinterest

If you are planning to meet your virtual friend for the first time, it is better to first do some online checks. Check their online profile on other sites that are not necessarily dating sites. This will give you an idea of whether it is a real or fake profile. You will also get an idea of the person based on their friend list, pictures, activities and so on. If you happen to meet someone right there at the bar, you can try and get talking about social media activities and see if they will show you their profile. Else, you can slip away for a while and do a search with their name. In most cases, their profile will come up somewhere or the other and you will know if the person has been telling you the truth or if you need to leave right away.

3. Always Keep Someone In The Loop

No, you don’t have to get a third person in the bedroom, but always keep one friend or close one informed about where you are and with who. If possible, click a selfie with this stranger and send it to a friend. Tell them where you are currently and if that person is coming home with you. If you are going to the stranger’s place, immediately send your location to the friend, so that they know where to reach you in case of any danger.

Hooking up with strangers is fun, and sometimes, you can’t help but go ahead with it. But to be safe, just remember these pointers that you can easily take care of, and yes, don’t forget the protection.

Read Also: How To Say No When Your Partner Wants Sex But You Don’t