Will You Let Kundli Decide Your Relationship?

Is it even a credible document to start with

Will You Let Kundli Decide Your Relationship?
Image Credit: thetamara

Kundli or horoscope is considered to be an important piece of document in most Indian families. A horoscope or a birth-chart is believed to be a document where all predictions of someone’s life is recorded based on the time and location of their birth. A lot of Indian families insist on matching kundli before marriage. However, there seems to be a division of thoughts when it comes to the credibility of kundli as a document of predictions of one’s life. Irrespective of generation, kundli always has got people divided with their thoughts.

Astrology Is Supposed To Be A Science

Astrology is regarded as a science, and of course astrologers try to back it up with different views and charts. However, although it might seem scientific, as astrologers take planetary positions and timings into account, astrology is not a fool-proof dictate on someone’s life. There have been many instances when predictions went wrong. But then, there have also been times when a lot of predictions matched. A lot of people believe in astrology, and people in India depend on it when it comes to predicting the compatibility of to be married couple. A lot of marriages in India do not materialise as there are incompatibility found in the horoscopes.

Are Kundlis Not Credible To Today’s Generation?

Sriyanka Chatterjee feels kundlis add to unnecessary mental tensions
Sriyanka Chatterjee feels kundlis add to unnecessary mental tensions

Image Credit: Facebook

On being asked if she will consider matching kundli before marriage, Sriyanka Chatterjee says, “No. It will only cause unnecessary mental tensions and mind blockages. Personally, I have seen a lot of things stated by astrologers do not come true. So, I will not be considering any kundli before I get married.” Olivia Saha, says, “I do not believe in kundli. But there is familial pressure about matching horoscope when it comes to marriage. I have not come across the right guy yet, so that I can argue about the logic behind it with my parents.”

Astrology and kundli matching has been shown both in positive and a negative light in Bollywood movies. Astrology and kundli still remains to be an important tradition in India, especially when someone is getting married. Some people even break up with their partners if they feel that they will not be compatible according to their horoscope.