How To Maintain A Long Distance Relationship While Studying

These date night ideas and cuddle time can help keep it real, even when away

How To Maintain A Long Distance Relationship While Studying
Image Credit: yvasa

If you are in a relationship while you’re still studying, it makes sense to invest your time and effort into the same, especially if you want to hold on to your guy/girl for some more time at least (even more if you want to take this long-term).

Education and work can often take us to different cities and sometimes even to a different country. But just because your love is not close by, does not mean that you have to give up on them so easily.

If you truly are missing them and want to make this work, or if you or your love is going to be moving soon and this is giving you the jitters, don’t worry. The miles don’t necessarily have to come between you two.

Talk About It Before The Move

There’s nothing that a good open conversation cannot really achieve, and this is even truer in the case of a long-distance relationship. Before one of you is moving, talk about how things are going to change after the move, and what you both want to do about it. For instance, will you guys travel to meet, or if one of you will be in shared accommodation, can the other still come and stay, how much time a day or week will you consciously spend together, and so on.

Keep Sharing Your Experiences

With technology being so advanced, who says you have to stay apart?
With technology being so advanced, who says you have to stay apart?

Image Credit: lastingthedistance

Even if you are in different cities or time zones, share your experiences at college. If you joined up for something, talk about it. Even if you are in different courses, talk about that as well. Share things that are happening around you, whether you are planning to take up an internship, what are the opportunities where your lover is, and so on. Skype nights and video call once a day could also be a great way to stay connected!

Stay Calm And Listen To Each Other Patiently

When you are not with each other, it is often easy to misinterpret what the other is saying. Instead of reacting immediately or assuming things, be calm and make it a point to listen. Even if something is bothering you, let your partner explain. Sometimes, you may think about it in a different way, but the explanation could help you see that maybe there was a reason for what your partner is saying.

Another thing that you really need to do is save up so that you can try and meet up your love at least once in a while.