Signs That Your Long Distance Partner Is Cheating

While it’s important to be trusted and trusting, these could mean there’s more to what meets the eye

Signs That Your Long Distance Partner Is Cheating
Image Credit: videoblocks

When you’re in a long distance relationship, the biggest thing that both of you need to work on is mutual trust and an impossible amount of faith in the fact that your partner is faithful to you.

They say that love is blind, but sometimes, it’s also important that you keep your eyes open to those signs that could mean that not all is well in your LDR.

You’re Suddenly Feeling They’re Avoiding You

It’s, of course, possible that your partner has shifted to a new place and it’s taking a lot of time to settle down, which is understandable. But this will eventually subside and your partner will fall into a better routine of managing time. If they always had all the time in the world for you, but now suddenly it seems that they are busy with everything else but you, it’s possible there’s some change in the relationship.

They Don’t Tell You Everything Or Are Somewhat Secretive

There’s always a secretive feeling about what they say
There’s always a secretive feeling about what they say

Image Credit: theundercoverrecruiter

Were you the type of couple who was always talking and telling each other what the other was up to? Did your partner always love to discuss places they went to and people they met and so on? If this was something they did while you both were together and before the LDR, but now they don’t really tell you everything, it may be that they are trying to hide some of the things. For instance, if you don’t get a clear answer about where they have to go tonight that will keep them busy, or what they did the entire weekend, it’s possible your partner does not want you to know certain things.

They Are Less Communicative

There’s barely anything to talk, is it? You’re always waiting for your partner to call, and when that does not happen, you’re usually the first one to initiate a conversation by call or message. Also, you’re losing out on things to talk about, because you feel you don’t really know anything that is going on in your partner’s life over there.

Please remember that not everyone who has a long distance relationship will cheat, and sometimes, there could be a lot of other things that genuinely keep your partner busy and unable to show as much love and attention as you would have liked. Keep your eyes open, communicate and go with your intuition.