First Date Hints That Tell You You Should Go On A Second One

Should you go on a second date? Here’s how to decide on your first

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There is hardly anything as apprehensive when you’re going on your first date with someone! Do you agree? Perhaps the aftermath after the date even more stressful and the entire dilemma of whether to go again, can cause sleepless nights. More questions encircle our minds than we have even during the toughest of examinations and the adrenaline rush is at the peak!

Hence, here are some signs and tips you could watch out for on your very first date to realise whether it deserves a second one too;

How funny his jokes actually are, if he tries to make some!

The entire date turns topsy-turvy, if your date is trying to be too witty and you can detect that it is forceful! The kind of jokes one cracks, the way one talks about situations tells a lot! It is not a good date if he cracks sexist jokes! Definitely, picking on his every move is not an option but watch out for sexist, chauvinist and almost funny elements with caution!

Engaging conversation is the key

If your conversation flowing on and on like a gushing river, you need a second date

Sometimes, only five minutes into the conversation and you know it is going to go a long way! Being your first date, it is essential you watch out for how versatile the conversation is, at the dinner or lunch table! If the conversation is forceful, then you might as well start counting your time and ask your best friend to make a fake call asking you to urgently meet her!

Showing interest in your interests is a sure sign!

Though it goes both ways when you’re on a date, it is essential that he/she shows some kind of interest in you when he/she is talking to you! If you are the only one trying to ask him about his favourite moments and most loved travel destinations and listening to him blabber about his/her own life the rest of the evening, you might as well realise this person is not worthy of a second chance!

Picks a sensible place and doesn’t offer to pay the entire bill!

The place chosen for your first date speaks a lot about the person who has selected it

The conversation you have with your date regarding the place to go out for your first date is crucial and hence decides how much thought a person has put into it! If your date chooses a quiet and comfortable place for the date, then chances are he will be a good second date too! The bill has to be on both of you! And if he vehemently insists on paying the entire bill, then refuse the second date!

These are only some of the signs that might help you figure out whether a date was a good one but honestly, always trust your gut! If you felt good on the first one, then chances are the second one might help you become surer!