Introducing Your SO To Parents? Here’s How To Prepare Well

What to do to ensure that your parents like your partner too?

Introducing Your SO To Parents? Here’s How To Prepare Well
Image Credit: Movie - 2 States

You have been dating this person for some time now. All seems to be going well. And you decide to take it up a notch. Your parents have been doubting that you are seeing someone. And you don’t mind telling them about your BAE. Still, this critical moment can be stressful, as you introduce them to each other. But if you want to, then this festive season is perfect to take your SO home.

But how should you prepare so that the meeting goes really well?

Tell Your Partner All They Need To Know

Educate your partner about your parents. Do they like jokes, or are they the more serious kinds? Does your mom like to talk about books? Does your father have strong political views? Will they ask your partner about college courses and grades? Help your partner prepare for these things, which will help to ensure that they create a good impression on your parents.

Inform your partner about the likes and dislikes of your parents, like Michael should have done with Phoebe in the series, ‘Friends’.
Inform your partner about the likes and dislikes of your parents, like Michael should have done with Phoebe in the series, ‘Friends’.

Image Credit: TV Series – Friends

Do Not Make It Seem Over-Planned

Inform your parents that you have invited a close friend over. Let it not be a shock for them. No parents like to be taken off guard. And it is polite to give them a warning. But don’t make the introductions too staged. If it looks over-planned, your parents might see through the façade. So, let everyone meet casually and informally. That is the best environment to know someone new. Allow your parents to ask questions and have a conversation. If you try to protect them or horde all the attention, they might not actually get to know the person.

Invite Other Friends

If possible, ask a few other friends to join you. Especially a couple of friends your parents already know. This will lighten the mood and make it casual. It will also help to take some attention off your SO, which will make them comfortable too. Your friends can support you and help to break any awkward moments. They can also bring up common topics to talk about, as they might know both your parents and your partner.

These approaches will ensure that all goes well when you take your SO to meet your parents this Christmas.