How To Tell Your Date You’re Not Looking For A Relationship

Three simple ways can help your date know that this is meant to be fun, and not a commitment


If you’ve been swiping left and right only to spend some good time with the person you meet and then move on, it’s important to set a few things clear.

For instance, you may not have any interest in a relationship or any sort of commitment. But unless you come out clean, your date may start reading between the lines and may take your presence and interest as a move ahead to a relationship.

So how do you tell an interesting date that you’re in this only for the moment, and not for a future, without ruining your chances of getting more intimate?

1. Let’s Be Honest

You don’t need to spill it out like it is, but playing games and trying to fake a romantic interest when you don’t have something like that in mind is not good either. Being honest will make your date aware of what he or she is getting into. It will also make them respect you more and it may turn out to be a great meeting after all. In the course of your chat, just mention that you are in this for the fun and to meet new and interesting people, but at the moment you are not ready for a relationship at all.

2. Don’t Give Too Many Explanations

Don’t try to justify something you believe in, just saying it out honestly is enough

Image Credit: Movie – Raajneeti

You have the right to have your own preferences, and if being in a relationship is not on your list right now, it’s absolutely fine. As long as you’re not hurting someone by giving a wrong impression of what you’re looking to get from the date, it’s nothing you need to be ashamed about. Once you have made your side clear, you really don’t need to give any further explanations.

3. Talk About Other Things That Interest You Two

A great way to enjoy someone’s company without being romantically involved is to find out about things that connect you both. Talk about things that you love doing and your date enjoys too. Find out about what interests them and maybe you both might end up as friends, if not lovers.

The expectations that your date has from you will depend to a large extent on what you say and do. So play it wise and have a good date.

Read Also: Have Doubts About Your Relationship? Here’s How To Deal With It