Is Sex Necessary In A Relationship?

Yes; unless you are treading earth with the dinosaurs!

Is Sex Necessary In A relationship?
Image Credit: Movie - Ki & Ka

Even a decade back sex was much of a taboo to college goers in India. There is definitely a change in the scenario today, and of course in a good way. Still the taboo around sex exists, because of the way our parents and society think about it. However, in another decade or so, the taboo around one of the most natural act and one of the basic needs of humankind will hopefully be seen in a positive light.

Sex Is Important In A Relationship

Sex in a relationship often determine the quality of life
Sex in a relationship often determine the quality of life

Image Credit: Movie – Shuddh Desi Romance

To tell it straight, sex is important in a relationship, however, it is not the only thing. If your relationship is all about sex and nothing except it, then maybe you need to relook at it all. If your relationship is a perfect balance of all other things and sex, then you are on the right track. Physical intimacy is synonymous with quality of life. Good sex will boost your bond with your partner, and strengthen emotional connection.

Sex Reduces Feelings Of Insecurity

Healthy sex on a regular (not necessarily daily) basis helps in reducing the feeling of insecurity in both partners in a relationship. It is a known fact that a feeling of insecurity is common in any relationship. Sex ensures that your partner is really into you in spite of all those small tiffs that you keep having.

Sex Creates The Scope For Many Other Things

When your sex life is going good, you can actually discuss and talk about more things with your partner. Sex no longer remains the undiscovered area that you two would be wondering about. Communication is improved with a healthy sexual relationship with your partner.

Let me share something. Although, I had no prejudice against people who indulged in pre-marital sex, personally I was not one up for it ever. However, myths were busted with the right kind of knowledge. So, if you want your relationship to be strong and transparent, make sure you are not ignoring physical intimacy.

Read Also: How Much Sex Is Healthy In A Relationship