3 Things You Should Never Talk About At Work

You should avoid talking about these topics at work and here is why.


While most of us spend most waking hours on any weekday at work, it becomes essential to have a good rapport and camaraderie with those whom we work with. We often have at least one meal together with our colleagues. We also bump into them at the water cooler or the coffee machine. Elevators are other places where we try to fill in the awkward silences.

While there are lot of potential times when you need to indulge in small talk at work, you should keep some things strictly out of the scope of these conversations. And here is why-


From the left to the centre to the right, political views in our country vary more than shades of grey. Also policies by different parties affect our lives to the minutest detail, from the prices of vegetables to gay rights. Speaking for the right can offend someone’s choice of food, and speaking for the left may offend someone’s patriotism. Political sentiments are so rigid and vulnerable to offence, that it is better to steer clear from them for harmonious relations at work.

(Credits – giphy)


In our society, and the present dynamic environment, politics and religion is closely enmeshed. Religion should remain a very personal concern. Any discussion on belief and divinity can offend someone with differing views. Also, people believe in their religion with ardent belief, beyond rationality. These hassles can definitely be avoided at work.


While “women are dumb” genre of jokes were very popular among male colleagues, the glass ceiling has long been shattered and locker room jokes are no longer appropriate at work. Private matters like sex and sexual choices also make for vulgar conversations at work. Keeping personal and professional separate is a time tested mantra and still very relevant, especially to stay above the office rumour grapevine.

This does not mean that one should “Do your work and get out”. Small talk and light banter is an important part of the informal communication at work. Yet, there are many other ways to be popular at work without being offensive and slapstick.