Are You The Sensitive One In Office? Here’s How You Can Use Your Sensitiveness Smartly At Work

Did you know that sensitive people are better equipped to connect with people?

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Do you friends call you soft hearted? Do you feel that you lack the killer instinct at work? Does your family feel that you cry easily?

It can be hard to keep it together when your coworker yells at you in front of the whole office because of a mistake you made. Or, when your boss keeps giving you negative feedback about a project you have poured your heart and time into.

If you are a sensitive person, it can become difficult to make it in the harsh competitive work space. But, if you think about it, your nature can work for your benefit. Here’s how you can use your sensitiveness smartly at work.

Listening Is An Important Skill

Priyanka Mhatre, Cofounder at Romanchak, feels that sensitive people have inherent people skills. She says, “Even if you feel that you are right, the best thing to do is give the other person a benefit if doubt. So, you need to listen to people. Sensitive people find it easier to empathise, and this is what makes you stand out from rest of the people at work.”

Be Assertive About Your Views

She adds that women are considered more sensitive, and whatever position they achieve, they are often not taken seriously. So, instead of forsaking their opinion, they should assert their views. She says that sensitive people should use their people skills to make their mark.

Even Akanksha Rohilla, Business Head at The Wise Owl, suggests that when you are sensitive you cannot expect everyone to tread on eggshells. Instead, you should get to know your colleagues better, and convey your views and feelings clearly. If they understand your viewpoint, they may appreciate your contributions better.

Akanksha feels that sensitive people are better equipped to connect with people

Responding, Not Reacting

Sensitive people can use their emotions smartly by analysing a situation better. When something happens, they are in a better position to respond calmly, instead of reacting immediately. Priyanka feels that sensitive people are better able to calmly respond, instead of reacting. Akanksha adds, “Though it may seem cliched, responding after analysis always leads to better outcome.”

These approaches will give an edge even if you are the sensitive one at work.