Changing Jobs Too Often – Good Or Bad?

Do I need to keep changing my jobs to grow, or stick to the same?

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Many people in the corporate world worry about switching jobs – whether it will look good or bad on their resume. You may have found a better role, or looking at a bigger company, but feel the urge to move. What do you do?

Do you keep working where you are to look more ‘settled’ and responsible, or do you join the other place, even if it means looking like a job hopper?

Good Or Bad?

If you’re looking for a ‘safe’ role where the pay cheque comes at the end of each month without much personal growth, it’s fine to stay. But if you’re looking to make the money and also learn and grow, there will always be something better for you out there.

If Your Employer (Even A Potential One) Is Someone Who Believes In Personal Growth Himself, They Will Understand Your Need To Move

“Once you feel you have learnt enough in a particular role, you should consider a change.”

Anish A Shah is the Owner Promoter of Diiviine Agro and has more than 17 years of experience in sales and marketing. “People say that changing jobs frequently makes it look like you are not serious about work, but I beg to differ. Opportunities are always open to the deserving candidate and someone who has the potential to deliver. It’s always good to strive for excellence in any job. Once you feel you’ve learnt enough in a particular role, you should consider a change, as the experience and expertise will help you perform better in the next organization. It’s about how you manage your knowledge that you’ve gained in an organization and how best you can use it to enhance productivity in the next.”

Need More Reasons?

  • You’ll learn newer things that are happening in the industry and changes you need to be aware of.
  • Different work places and different roles will add to your experience and knowledge, which will help you move to bigger and better roles.
  • You can negotiate your monetary status, as staying in the same job for years can make you financially stagnant.

Don’t get bogged down to one place just because you feel you may look irresponsible. Employers who believe in growth will understand your reasons, so make sure you have enough of those.