Here’s How To Be A Good Negotiator

There’s no job or business in the world that doesn’t involve some negotiation. So, master that skill right from the start!

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The ability to negotiate successfully can rock or sail your boat in this turbulent world. No matter what field you’re in, you need to have a great negotiation consciousness among other qualities. Here’s what you’ll need to come out a winner each time:

Don’t Hesitate To Ask For More

Your business acumen should be at its all time high.

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In the face of negotiations, many of us feel conflicted and are afraid to ask for more. Great negotiators are assertive and challenging. They simply refuse to take no for an answer. They know what they want and relentlessly stand their ground till they get it. Negotiation consciousness means exactly this. Everything is negotiable. You just need to have it bad enough. That is what makes the world of a difference in great negotiators and everyone else in the world.

What you need to remember though, is to be assertive without turning aggressive. When you maintain a respect for other’s interests too while standing your own ground – it’s a fair deal and that is assertive. But when you run affray regardless of someone else’s interests that is aggression which is not a good method of negotiation.

Listen Carefully

If you don’t listen first, you will never win.

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Before you place your cards on the table, hear the deal out completely. We have all forgotten the art of listening in the processing of getting all our points across the table. Ask a lot of open ended questions and let the other negotiator do the talking. More often than not, you will come out with stronger facts before locking the deal. Follow the rule of 70:30 where you talk only 30% of the time. Assess what the deal has to offer you and how much you’ll be giving for it. Gather what the other negotiator stands to win or lose and then make a deal he can’t refuse.

Don’t Be Afraid To Walk Away

It is not the last deal of your life. The moment you realize this is not the one for you, move on.

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You may make a mistake of settling for less if you undervalue your own deal. If you end up believing that you are to profit more than the opposite person, sometimes you end up compromising a lot more than what you ideally would. In such scenarios, instead of a larger positive outcome you end up with the shorter end of the stick. Now, is that a deal well negotiated? No. The only way to avoid caving in at the hopes of a positive outcome is to have your options ready. Or you might be the one who ends up being exploited at the end of it well.

If there is one thing you are going to take away from this article, let it be the advice of not being afraid to walk away from a bad deal. Have the courage and confidence to firmly believe in getting what you want. If you learn the art of a good negotiation, you can truly have anything in the world.