How To Defend The “Job Hopper” In Your Resume

Apparently, “6 jobs in 5 years” never goes unnoticed during an interview.

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It is going to come up at one point or the other. Never go with an assumption or with a hope that the discussion on “why you’ve been job hopping” won’t come up in your interview. Because it will! Your Resume will clearly point out the various job changes that you have endured over a limited period of time. And hardly ever goes unnoticed. In fact, the chances are that you will be thoroughly questioned and grilled using this single observation. But the real question is that how will you defend yourself?

It is understandable why you would have done it. For better opportunities, for better pay or for simply moving up in your career! But, that’s now how recruiters will see it, will they? Job hopping is pretty common in current times and the recruiters know that. And yet, the recruiters will obviously conclude that you’re a flight risk. Now you need to get all “Jim Hopper from Stranger Things” tough in order to defend yourself as a serial Job Hopper. Here are few helpful tips-

Change The Moral Of The Story

You need to take command of the story. You are the story teller here!

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The moral of the story that the recruiters will try to deduct is- you are a flight risk, you change jobs frequently, you cannot be trusted and so on. But you need to make sure that, THAT doesn’t happen. For you, the moral of the story is “ALL the experience and the skills you’ve picked up along the way”. Make your entire discussion about that. Convince them how those job changes have made you the exceptional professional that you currently are. In fact, go ahead be more specific by describing a key experience for each job. At the end of it all, explain them how that experience and those skills helps you bring value to their company.

Be Honest, Be Concise

The two mistakes that you are more likely to make than any other are – 1. Cooking up a lie to explain the Job Hopping and 2. Giving unnecessary long and boring explanations. You must avoid both. Just be honest and tell them whatever the reason was- from a boring job, a toxic boss to a better opportunity, say the truth! But make sure that your truth is short and sweet. Long-widened explanations are absolutely unnecessary.

Prove Your Commitment

Make sure you are having a thorough conversation and making a good rapport with your interviewers.

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The most obvious suspicion and hesitation from the recruiters’ side would be related to your “Loyalty”. You must prove your commitment to them. You must make them believe that you are at least joining with an intention to stay. You can do that by carefully crafted words. The best way is to acknowledge their doubt and tell them, “I understand your concern related to my commitment towards your company”. And then you can go on and score a goal with, “But I would like to assure you that I am here to join your company because I see a perfect opportunity for myself to STAY and grow”. There! You did it!

That wasn’t so difficult now, was it? Keep Hopping! All the best ☺