Planning To Take Up Work From Home? Here’s What You Should Consider

Though the flexible timing may seem tempting, here are few factors to consider before you take up work from home

Image Credit: thepennyhoarder

With the turn in the nature of work culture, more and more people are opting for work from home. And more and more companies are allowing this to ensure the right pool of talent. The crowded and long commute and the long hours at work definitely make work from home more tempting.

But if you are considered making the shift from full-time on-the-job work to WFH, there are a few things you should consider. Not all can get away with the isolated nature of this work. It may also become difficult to maintain the boundaries between personal and professional life.

Here are some things to consider before taking up work from home.

Are Your Social Tendencies Wired Towards It?

Gotresh Joshi, a graphic designer and a budding visual artist, suggests that it is important to maintain communication with your team if you are working from home. So, he says, “Before you take it up, you must consider whether you will be able to maintain channels of communication with your colleagues. If you are working in a team, and get isolated, then this is an important factor to consider.” If you are innately an extrovert with social inclinations, then this must not be difficult.

It is important to be able to remain connected with your colleagues if you take up WFH

Image Credit: huffpost

What Are The Company Policies For WFH?

Before you adopt this role, you must speak to the HR or the managerial level about the modalities of work. Are the company policies clear and acceptable? Reena Mishra, Specialist Media Manager at NewsVoir, suggests that you should speak about the renumeration structure, leave policy, growth opportunities, and other miscellaneous compensations before you sign up with a company, even if it is for WFH. She says, “Ask them whether you would be required to travel. If you don’t have your own laptop, you should clarify this and all other details.”

Can You Request For A Trial?

It is best if you try working remotely before actually taking it up. And it is perfect if you company allows you this trial period. During the trial, set up a schedule you think you could repeat and sustain over a five-day work week. Consider whether you felt lonely, were able to communicate through chat and video calling, your own satisfaction with your work. This will help you take an informed decision.

These approaches will help you decide whether work from home suits you or not.