Ways To Make Friends At A New Job

Work hacks to connect with coworkers in a new job.

दोस्तों के बिना सब कुछ अधूरा है


Beginning in a new job can be a difficult phase. You have to deal with new boss, new deadlines, new work culture. And you have to befriend a new bunch of colleagues. So, how can you rise to the challenge?

Participate in the chai breaks

Introduce yourself to the new team, and participate in the small talk. When they take a break for chai or coffee, join them. For the introverts, it can be a deterring task, but connecting with your colleagues informally is necessary.

Learn the names

A good way to make friends is to remember people by their names. As Dale Carnegie, author of ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’, said, “A person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” Learn co-workers’ names, use them when speaking to them, and you’ll leave a more positive impression from the start.


Sharing lunch or snacks is a very good way to connect with people. Sprucing up your desk with fancy stationary and sharing them with team mates is also helpful. If you can do your work from anywhere in the office, take advantage of the common area tables or couches so that you can meet people you don’t sit right next to.

Kara and Lena became friends in the TV series ‘Supergirl’ by overcoming difficult circumstances.

Image Credit: screenrant

Stay honest

Crossing your arms, texting on your phone, or putting on your headphones will make you seem closed-off and unapproachable. Also, be authentic in your conversation. Feigning interest will show through as fake and hypocritical. There’s no use in trying to make friends if they don’t know the real you.

These work hacks will make transitioning to a new job smoother and easier.

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