How To Say No When Your Partner Wants Sex But You Don’t

Refusing your partner sex without killing your relationship

How To Say No When Your Partner Wants Sex But You Don’t

‘That’ headache isn’t always fake and no, it’s not the prerogative of the feminine gender either. When you’re in a relationship, the push and pull of the sexual curve often goes through an interesting shape.

There are times when you both can’t get your hands off each other and doing anything else seems a waste of time. Then comes the phase when you both become secure and comfortable, and sex is more of a thing you will anyways do.

And then begins the headache.

Now you’re in that spot where your partner wants it, but you’re not in the mood and you definitely don’t want to make them feel bad or crush their confidence.

So how do you still refuse without hurting?

Remember how they said no to you

Remember the times when you’ve wanted to do it but your partner has refused. If you were able to understand your partner’s preference for the time, without feeling hurt or humiliated, maybe that is how you need to talk to your partner now.

Find your way of showing love, even without sex
Find your way of showing love, even without sex

Image Credit: powerofpositivity

Find an alternative way to show love

Okay, so you don’t want to ‘do’ it, but maybe you could at least cuddle up and still make your partner feel good? The impact of your ‘no’ will get a little mellow if you make up for it in a loving way.

Say why

If you’re genuinely not well or if there is anything on your mind that is coming in between you and the sex, talk about it. Being honest with your partner is the best way to clear out any issues you may be going through.

Okay, all said and done, don’t keep doing this all the time, if you still want to be with this same person that is. If this has something to do with your health though and it’s interfering with your sexual life, speak to your doctor and understand the issue.

Read Also: 5 Signs He Wants More Than Just Sex