Bhavna And Manish Share Their Tips For A Long Distance Relationship

What it is to fall in love in the age of Facebook and Skype?

Bhavna And Manish Share Their Tips For A Long Distance Relationship

In this day and age, we often receive random requests and messages on social media. We try to block such predators and move on. That was also Bhavna’s first reaction when she received a Facebook request from Manish. She blocked him as she thought he was another flirtatious invitation on social media.

But after a year, he sent a Facebook request again, quite forgetting that he had been blocked. Manish Nainani was in the UK for his work, and BhavnaChhabria was in India. But something clicked this time. He explained himself, and they began spending time online with each other. It was quintessentially a love born on social media, with them spending time together on GChat, Messenger and Skype.

Bhavna realized that it was growing into something serious when he requested her to meet his family back home. So, she met his sisters and mother, before she has even met him. And things took a leap when the families liked each other, and the relationship became official.

But how was it to develop trust and bond when they had not even seen each other in real life. Bhavna says, “We decided to be completely honest with each other. We never hid anything from one another in the two years we talked over calls. And we made efforts to stay in touch, despite our busy schedules.”

Bhavna and Manish decided that honest communication was the only way to build trust in their long-distance relationship
Bhavna and Manish decided that honest communication was the only way to build trust in their long-distance relationship

The time difference of about six hours between UK and India was the biggest obstacle, but they made time to talk at least for some time every day. This communication and frank expression helped them to build trust and strengthened their relationship.

But how could Bhavna take the leap of faith when she had not even seen him in real life. She feels that the initial inhibitions went away after they both start sharing their life stories openly. There was a mutual give and take. She says, “One has to trust the instinct sometime. And despite my hesitation, that’s what I did.”

Bhavna and Manish are an example of how even long-distance relationships can be meaningful. They have been married happily for five years now. ButBhavna says, “In this age where people are using social media to find their partners, it is important to be alert, and not fall in any traps. It is important to be patient, and never make hasty decisions. You can trust your instincts, only when you remain alert to fraudulent social media accounts.”