4 Things Long Distance Couples Can Do This Valentine’s Day

Long-distance Valentine's Day can be romantic too!

4 Things Long Distance Couples Can Do This Valentine's Day
Image Credit: Pexels

Don’t let distance get in the way of love. If you and your SO are currently in a long distance relationship, there’s no need to get sad about being apart for Valentine’s Day. There are things you can plan for the big day without being in the same city or country and still manage to express your love for them.

Here’s looking at five things you can do as a long distance couple over Valentine’s Day:

Cook A Special Dinner Over A Video Call

Thank god for technology because now we can practically stay in touch with everyone across the world and hence if your loved one is far away from you, there’s a fun dinner you can plan together. One of the special things you can do is cook each other’s favorite dishes while on call and then have a quiet dim light dinner.

Make A Romantic Playlist For Your SO

You can even mail a mixtape if you love vintage romance.
You can even mail a mixtape if you love vintage romance.

Image Credit: amusicblog

Mixtapes may be old school but it never really loses its charm. You can make a romantic playlist for your loved one and share it with them for Valentine’s Day. You could add all the songs that may remind your SO about you and they can listen to it all day and have think about you.

Send A Personalised Gift To Them

Small gifts are equally meaningful.
Small gifts are equally meaningful.

Image Credit: Etsy

There’s nothing better than personalized gifts and you can do that as a couple for each other. You could surprise your partner by sending them a collage of your lovely pictures from the vacations you have taken. You could also sew something pretty for them say a scarf if they are in a cold country and could always keep themselves warm with your gift.

Book An Experience For Both Of You

Sharing can reduce the distance between you two.
Sharing can reduce the distance between you two.

Image Credit: Outlook India

Why not go for a new-age gift like gifting an experience. If both of you are into adventure sports, you can book a sport for both of you in separate cities or countries for the same day and then discuss your experiences over a video call.

Try something new this time and don’t get other couples bog you down because you are not with your loved one.