5 Ways To Avoid Being Friendzoned By A Girl

If you like her, but she does not get the hint, these are 5 ways to avoid being friendzoned by her.


Once a girl begins seeing you as a friend, it is difficult to get out of it. That’s what Joey warned Ross about when he became friendly with Rachel in the First season. Emotionally, you are half way there, but to break the friendship barrier to something more requires special effort.

So here are 5 ways to avoid being friendzoned by a girl you like.

1. Don’t act like her other friends

Just discussing her life and her problems like other friends is not enough. Take an interest in the books and movies she likes. Talk about what can happen on a perfect date. She may sense where you are heading and feel the chemistry.

2. Talk to her when alone

Avoid talking to her when she is surrounded by her gang of friends. Seek her out when she is alone, and let her know that you like talking to her privately. She may also like spending time with you, and that helps the relationship along.

3. Complement her and make her feel special

Flatter her and turn on your personal charm. Give her gifts and tell her to keep them secret. Secrecy between the two of you will strengthen your bond.

4. Welcome her into your life

Invite her to spend time with your friends or a dinner with your family. This may help her realize that you do not see her only as a casual friend, but have more intense intentions.

5. Ask her out

It is fine to ask her whether she would go on a date with you. Speak your mind and let her know your feelings openly. If you are apprehensive, ask her for a simple coffee and see how she responds. Girls like such honesty.

Being friends is an essential part of being in a committed relationship, but try these 5 ways to avoid being stuck in the friendzone.

(Image credits- inverse, giphy)