Creepy or Playful? How To Spot The Differences In BAE?

What girls and boys find creepy when it comes to relationships?


At times it’s really hard to tell whether someone’s actions are to be taken as a joke or seriously. What’s important is that you know when to draw the line and ask the person to stop if it is offensive. If the person happens to be your significant other, you need to be even more careful.

How do you tell if they’re being playful or creepy? It can be really tough. But worry not, we have a list of things you need to note if you’re confused about this. In case you want more clarity, watch ‘How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days’. The movie shows quite extensively what girls and boys find creepy when it comes to relationships.

Here’s looking at tips to spot the differences:

1.  Phone Ethics

Creepy: If your boyfriend/girlfriend is finding reasons to grab your phone at every instance and especially often when you’re not around, it is definitely creepy. They are invading your private space without even asking you and that’s definitely not cool!

Playful: If your SO asks you if they can use your phone for their work and have no problem in doing that whilst you’re around, everything’s normal. If they joke about going through your messages and tease you after accidentally reading a notification, they’re definitely being playful.

Read Also: 5 Ways To Get Over Cell Phone Addiction

2. Intimacy

Creepy: If your SO is persuading and pestering you to do something in bed against your wishes, it is definitely not okay.

Playful: If your partner surprises you with a few moves like grabbing a quick kiss in the elevator or tickling you when you’re upset, these are the cute antics that he’s pulling off to get you in the mood.

3.  Checking Out Other Girls/Boys

There’s hardly any playful side to such behaviour. It is definitely creepy if your significant other is checking out other people even though they are in your company. It is creepier if you have seen them out rightly staring at other people. This is a cue that your relationship is hitting the rough road.

4.  Anger Management

It is natural to get angry but how you choose to express it says a lot about you. If your partner is into throwing abuses, things and gets out of control when his/her temper rises, it is not a good sign. Things get really scary if they can’t handle themselves.

5. Drunk Behaviour

They say you see multiple personalities of a person when they’re drunk. But they don’t always have to be creepy.

Creepy: If your SO can’t handle their drink, it is certainly a strike one. Apart from that, if their drunk behaviour involves getting into bar brawls, howling, abusing, they are definitely in the creepy category.

Playful: If your SO turns into a midnight singer after a drink and thinks of going down on his knee on the road, they’re being cheesy and there’s nothing scary about it.

Read Also: Here’s Why Shaming Your Bae (Online Or Offline) Is A Bad Idea