Here’s What You Can Text To Get Your Crush’s Attention!

The perfect way to reach out without feeling awkward

What To Text Your Crush If You Want Them To Reply
Image Credit: livestrong

It’s possible that you are always on your phone, texting and messaging your friends. But what happens when it comes to texting that one person you have a huge crush on?

If you find it really difficult to send out any meaningful texts to your crush, not counting messages about studies or assignments or projects, then here are a few text ideas that could totally help you get back in the game, without feeling awkward about it.

The best part is – your crush may actually respond and take the conversation ahead.

Lighten Up The Mood

One of the most difficult parts of texting your crush is to keep the mood light and happy and not come across as too desperate and clingy. A great way to do this can be to tell them a bit about yourself, even if they have not asked you about it, in a fun and light way. For instance, something such as:

“By the way, I absolutely love dark chocolates. Just saying, in case J.”

Or something such as:

“My dance moves are all ready, just when my date will be.”

Offer Up A Fun Challenge

You really want to meet them but are not sure how to present it. A fun way to make this happen is to throw a fun challenge at your crush and then offer a reward that will work for you both ways. For instance, say something like:

“Remember that Netflix series you watched? If you answer it right, I bring you cookies, if you answer it wrong, I will take you out for ice cream.”

Why Not Make Use Of Work?

get what you want, and be subtle about it
get what you want, and be subtle about it

Image Credit: cnn

Whether you are in high school, college or at work, you can use the excuse of work to plan a date with your crush. For instance, text them something such as:

“Okay, that’s a lot of work to get done. Study date?”


“Okay, that’s a lot of work to get done. Let’s meet for a work date?”

Hint It Out For Real

If you’re kind of comfortable chatting by now, you can also let them know what you’re thinking of. A text such as:

“Who do you think should ask for the date? The guy or the girl?”


“Would you like to be asked out on a date or do you want to do it yourself?”

Add A Compliment

This does not have to sound cheesy, but you can give them a genuine compliment. For instance, compliment them about something they wore, but also make it a bit more personal, such as:

“You looked gorgeous in that dress/shirt/tee. It really made you look handsome/gorgeous.”


“Those shoes looked absolute killer, but then, I think you can pull off almost anything.”

The idea is to let them know that you’re thinking of them as more than just a friend, but text in a way that doesn’t sound cheesy or plain boring.