Hetvi And Mousam Share How Music Played Cupid In Their Love Story

A singer and a drummer, they feel that their common passion brought them closer.

Hetvi And Mousam Share How Music Played Cupid In Their Love Story

Hetvi Sethia has been learning Hindustani Classical Music since she was a toddler of five years. It was early on that she decided to devote her life to her passion and left home to learn from her Gurus. She came to Mumbai to learn the art of Ghazals, and that’s when a musical cupid struck her.

Mousam Vishwa comes from a family of musicians, and it was natural for him to take up drumming to pursue his dreams. His college band was planning a music video, and they needed a female lead. That’s when a friend brought Hetvi into the group. Though the video never got launched, it was the birth of a love story.

They both follow the same passion, and that makes the relationship easier
They both follow the same passion, and that makes the relationship easier

While it is commonly believed that ‘opposites attract’ when in a romantic relationship, they both would disagree. Mousam says, “I believe we are two positives, who only make each other stronger.” Hetvi feels that though they both may differ in their natural inclinations, music acts a bridge. It has dissolved any differences in their personalities, and turn them into musical twins.

Mousam feels that music has helped them to come close since their initial days together. Hetvi says, “It is a blessing to be able to discuss and share everything about our passion with each other. We don’t have to describe our concerns and worries. There is intrinsic understanding, which comes naturally because we have both been brought up in musical households, with almost the same environment.” Mousam feels that being from the same field, especially when its an unconventional choice of career, has helped them support each other.

As their passion is their profession, there is little difference between work and leisure
As their passion is their profession, there is little difference between work and leisure

He says, “Discussing music, rehearsing together, performing on the same stage, all happens instinctually. Also, our passion is our profession. So, there is no distinction between work and leisure. We both are doing what we love, and we are doing it together.”

Even if they have different schedules, and don’t work together, they both acknowledge the shared goals. Mousam says, “Being from a field where work timings can be bizarre, and there is no rigid routine, it helps when your partner is from the same field, and understand the incumbent occupational hazards.”

They both feel that their relationship, built out of the same passion, has helped their love for each other to grow, and also strengthened them individually to follow their dreams.