Staying Away From Relationships Is Not The Solution

Addressing the fear of Heart-breaks in Relationships


Heartbreaks, as cliched as they might sound are messy affairs. No one wants to be emotionally vulnerable only so that someone can crawl under their skin and clench their heart. And people tend to avoid things that might wreck havoc in their lives. Its human nature. So are you single just because you are scared of getting your heart broken again? I would say it’s a wise decision. In the long run, however, it is not really as cool as you might assume. Read this article to know what to do when you are overprotective of yourself.

Look out for the signs!


When you are making silly excuses to not get into a relationship, it means you are being protective about yourself.

Living in denial

You know you aren’t over that ex-partner, and you still think about them. But you wouldn’t accept it. Acceptance is the first step to letting go.


When you use the rhetoric “It’s not you, it’s me” way too much. Of course it’s you! It’s you and your overtly rigid tendencies to box up your heart.

Much ado about Nothing

When you meet the perfect date, but somehow the shirt wasn’t right, or his nose is weird, or his socks were pink, or he was an alien!

What to do?

Give yourself some time

It’s very thoughtful of anyone to be protective of their feelings. You may be very fragile and you may have had reasons for breaking up that were unacceptable in the past, but history doesn’t often repeat itself. Give yourself the time and the space to heal. Reading, shopping, listening to happy music can be therapeutic in more ways than you know.

Say yes to chances

Your date may be a wonderful person but you are too stubborn to give yourself a second chance. Don’t do that. You are perhaps missing out on a lot all this while. Learn to look through your bad past experiences and give people chances. They may surprise you for a change!

Stay away from Complications

Don’t lead someone on if you have no intentions of being with them. That’s not cool. You should be very transparent about your thoughts and feelings from the very beginning so that you don’t end up hurting someone.

Don’t fool yourself

Don’t be convinced into believing that you like someone until and unless you are certain. Don’t get involved emotionally for the wrong reasons. Don’t get hooked with someone because you are miserable and lonely. That’s definitely not okay. Fix yourself before you move onto a relationship that has rebound written all over it.

Don't Fool Yourself
Don’t fool yourself

Whatever you do to deal with breakups and avoiding them is absolutely okay. It’s your life and your choices and you should know best. Focus on your work and career like many of our Bollywood stars including Priyanka Chopra and Sushmita Sen. I am sure they have had their shares of heartbreaks and they decided to stay as far away from them as possible. But they have not shut their doors for life totally. So, be open to chances and go with the flow of life. Listen to your heart carefully, as your perfect match might be waiting just by your side!

Read Also: Are You In A Two-Way Relationship? Here’s What To Do