What You Should Know Before Your First Ever Relationship?

We do preparations for everything important, then why not for relationships?

What You Should Know Before Your First Ever Relationship?
Image Credit: Pexels

First relationship comes packed with excitement and a rush of endorphins, regardless of how it may end. Since it is a ‘first’, none of us really know what we were getting ourselves into. Most first relationships leave you with fluttering butterflies in your stomach. No matter how lovey-dovey it leaves you feeling, here are a few serious matters you should pay attention to before your first relationship:

Being On The Same Page Is Important

or else, you will end up giving each other spoilers. Really bad ones!
or else, you will end up giving each other spoilers. Really bad ones!

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

It might or might not be your partner’s first relationship. It is always better to keep confusion at bay by counting in their experiences as well. You may be wondering why your partner isn’t mirroring your ‘head-over-heels’ feelings but you have to understand that your partner may have their own account of inhibitions. So it is best to know of their investment strategy before you dive in on your head without a life jacket.

The Movies Are Not Exactly Truthful

Nah. Not happening. Come back to reality now.
Nah. Not happening. Come back to reality now.

Image Credit: Movie – Ram Leela

Don’t set yourself up for disappointment by day dreaming about holding hands while walking on the sidewalk on the way to watch an upcoming Zombie movie where you will share a tub of popcorn with your partner. For all you know, they are not even into Zombie movies. Further on, they might even be a Joey and want a tub of popcorn for their own. That doesn’t mean that your relationship isn’t perfect. It just means it is real. Fights won’t just melt away and the romance isn’t always going to spark when you want it to. ‘Relationships require a lot of work’ – a reality that the movies won’t show you.

Don’t Be That Person

The one who forgets their friends and family as soon as they start dating! You might think you are better than that, but none of us are. It takes a special kind of bravery to say no to your partner when your friends are calling. People hardly ace their first relationship. Don’t forget who were there before your partner walked in if you want them to be there when your partner walks out. Honest words.

It May End

You don’t have to stick it out because you got into it. Truth be told, first relationships seldom work out into fairytales. You both don’t know what you’re doing. Don’t be afraid of walking away if the relationship doesn’t feel good. It’s okay. You’ll feel more empowered after ending it as you walk away with the experience of a first relationship. You don’t need to feel the pressure of finding love in the first relationship you get into.

It’ll Be Like A On-The-Job-Training Experience

You will also learn different nuisances of a relationship in this journey.
You will also learn different nuisances of a relationship in this journey.

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

You will eventually learn that little white lies don’t harm a relationship. If anything, it helps you save energy and make cohabitation easier. You will also learn that even if a relationship is the best part of your life, you still owe a significant fraction of your energy and attention to other aspects of your life like education, work and personal growth.

But most importantly, enjoy your first time. It only happens once!