Why Having A Cat Is Better Than A Boyfriend?

Cats over guys always!

having a cat better than boyfriend

It’s cat month and are we happy or what? It’s time we celebrate these cute little beings. We have often seen that people with pets are extremely affectionate beings and for them their pets mean the world. So if you’re a cat person, I can totally imagine that you have a wonderful nickname to it and you treasure it more than your life.

There’s also the possibility that you love your cat much more than you love your crush or boyfriend. Just compare how wonderful your cat makes you feel, probably even better than your beau.

Here are some of the reasons why cats are even better than your boyfriends:

Cuddle Your Worries Away

Cats are so cute than you can totally cuddle your worries away with them. They won’t mind if you pet them for hours and hold them in an embrace when you’re low. On the other hand, boyfriends are simply too demanding, a simple cuddle is never enough is it?

Fat or Slim – No Pressure

Cats are unconditional lovers. They don’t care how fat. slim or however your physical appearance is. They will love you enough no matter what.

Having Multiple Of Them Won’t Hurt

You can’t have two boyfriends but you can have two cats. You can love them both and they won’t have a problem with it. No egos here!

They Love Gossip

How often does your boyfriend let you talk and actually listens to you? Well, own a cat and you can gossip, discuss and talk about everything in the world without any judgement from them.

Family Love Guaranteed

Your family loves your cat already. You don’t need them to impress your parents or pester your siblings, they are always welcome. Compare that to your boyfriend and you realise there’s a big check list he has to match upto.