Good Looks vs. Good Brains – Choosing Wisely

Deciding between Beauty and Brains


The world is a potpourri of beautiful people. We cannot stop drooling over what perfect color someone’s cheekbones are, or how someone’s collarbones smell of a familiar cologne, or how someone’s eyes shine brighter than the stars or how there will be adventure at your fingertips when you are running your fingers through someone’s hair. We can never get enough of it.

The world is also a potpourri of intellectuals, who know what they are dealing with and will be able to get hold of any shit you throw at them. All said and done, you find yourself at crossroads when you have to choose a partner. They say, “beauty with brains” is a very rare combination, and those who have these rare people in their lives, are truly lucky! But all of us are not blessed with such luck. So, what do you go for, when asked to choose a partner for life? Good looks or good brains?

Advantages of Dating an Intelligent Person

Beauty Dies with Time

For one thing, you know it’s not perishable and likely to suffice a long way. So, if you are looking for a long term and fulfilling relationship, you should prefer intellect over beauty, as you know, intelligence cannot fade with time as naturally as beauty would.

Conversations will not be forced

Someone who is intelligent will know when to talk and when to keep quiet. They won’t invade your privacy. On the contrary when you do engage in a conversation, it will be profound. And I swear, you will feel infinite.

The Emotional Bond

What’s the point of dating someone who you can only brag about amongst your friends but not establish an emotional connection with? Intellectuals value people and relationships. They will know the dynamics of your relationship and will be willing to work it out if things go downhill because they are smart.

The Logical Support

They will be able to sort you out through your career or academics. They are rational and calculative. They will weigh all odds before taking a decision. They are seldom impulsive or reckless.

Things you need to remind yourself

1. The two are not mutually exclusive. To reduce it to a debate between good looks and good brains would mean conforming to structural stereotypes. It’s important to break free from these.

2. The presence or absence of both or either cannot determine how well your relationship will work. It’s about being with people who are willing to stay with you through thick and thin. It’s about everything except good looks and good brains like trust, emotional connection, loyalty, goals and aspirations.

3. “Looks” are highly subjective. What looks good to you may not look great to someone else. Beauty is after all, in the eyes of the beholder.

Kuch Kuch Hota Hai Tina Rahul Anjali

At the end, relationships are not about how good your partner looks or how intelligent they are. Rahul chose to be with Tina instead of Anjali in “Kuch Kuch Hota Hai” because she was attractive, as per the popular belief. But he was crazy about her because he was in love with her. It all comes down to that. And nothing else matters.

Heidi Klum And Seal
Heidi Klum And Seal

Remember the “Sex and the City” star, the beautiful Heidi Klum? Then you perhaps also know, that she got married to Seal, the English singer and songwriter. They may seem totally mismatched when looks are taken into account, but what might have captured Heidi more than Seal’s black skin or scarred face is his soulful voice. So, anything could happen. They may look like a bomb and even beat you at maths. People can surprise you in different ways. When you bring it down to a petty comparison, you restrict yourself. There is so much to explore. Everyone is beautiful in their own little or massive ways. And so are you, so judge wisely!

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