What Should Your Real Relationship Goals Be Like?

Will you hold my hand when we’re 80?


We have used the term ‘serious relationship goals’ quite often and it is usually in the context of how some couples do things that are ‘aww-inducing’. But what we may be overlooking though is the fact that how there’s much more to relationship goals than this. The least we expect when we are involved with someone is that they be fully committed to you. Does that mean ‘commitment’ is a relationship goal?

In the social media times that we live in, relationship goals are defined if the couple is seen posting crazy selfies together and commenting on every stuff their significant other posts.

Here’s looking at the difference between actual goals as compared to those set by pop culture:

Tech Vs Time:

Being involved in each other’s life via technology is not actually love but making time for the person and spending quality time with them is. In the real-time world that we live in, everything is about instancy and sadly as they say, ‘you can’t rush love’. A relationship needs bonding and that builds over time and not Tinder. Well, it may start from Tinder, there’s absolutely nothing wrong in that. But, it definitely needs time to nurture it to last long.

Marriage Vs Forever


We are always in a hurry to reach the next stage in a relationship. If you’re dating then you wait to get married and if you’re married you are expected to think about making a family the next what is often missed is the fact that your ultimate relationship goal should be a ‘forever-together’ promise. More than ‘I Love You’, how often do we say ‘I want to grow old with you’? There are some iconic couples we know today who have stood through thick and thin with each other. Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince who will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary, known as their platinum anniversary this November.

Limited Communication Vs Constant Touch

Texting, stalking, posting is all that our life revolves around now. Rarely do we see relationships today where a couple manages to make the most out of limited communication. There’s always the urgency to be in constant touch and hence we are less patient, more insecure and let mediums of communication govern the relationship. A good example of how a relationship remains strong irrespective of the time the couple is apart would be how ICICI CEO, Chanda Kocchar penned down in an emotional letter to her daughter. She said, “My career would not have progressed the way it did were it not for your father who never once complained about the time I spent away from home. Your father and I nurtured our relationship despite the fact that we were both busy with our own careers, and I am confident you will do the same with your partner, when the time comes.” This is what a real relationship goal is!